Twelve Songs of the Soul: An Integration of Astrology and Psychosynthesis 272 pgs., paperback, 7" x 10"
"This book is based on the premise that all of life -- from cellular to planetary -- moves toward synthesis and wholeness. In this book, I have chosen psychosynthesis as a model for how synthesis occurs and as a model of consciousness." – Ruth Eichler, author Accolades "Twelve Songs of the Soul is a creative and important integration of Assagioli's psychosynthesis method and its relationship to the twelve astrological signs. This excellent bridging work allows new perspectives and applications to both fields of study." - Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., Cultural Anthropologist, Author of Signs of Life "Ruth Eichler has accomplished an amazing feat with Twelve Songs of the Soul: An Integration of Astrology and Psychosynthesis - she gives not only very clear and brilliantly written descriptions of the astrological planets, houses, elements, and signs, but also an astonishingly easy lesson in Psychosynthesis. Twelve Songs of the Soul opens with an introduction that explains Eichler's intent: to map the path to wholeness with astrology using Psychosynthesis as a guide. Psychosynthesis is a psychological theory developed by Roberto Assagioli, M.D., who believed if we can eliminate distractions or blocks in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, we can experience our whole Self more fully. Psychosynthesis suggests that what prevents us from fully experiencing our Self is our fragmented personalities (subpersonalities) which develop from various life experiences. Eichler introduces astrology as a possible
map to understanding the different subpersonalities within each of
us and offers clever meditations that support those pieces of ourselves
that we have tossed aside or misjudged. Using the words of many great
thinkers and the wisdom of astrology, Twelve Songs of the Soul should
be on every therapist's shelf, not to mention the shelf of anyone
who seeks to live more fully." -
Mark S. Husson, Twelfth House in Denver, as appeared in the New Age